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Monday, March 14, 2011


  1. The solution to overcome the baby dumping is build up deoxyribonucleic acid DNA bank. I believe it is very new in our country but it is a very effective solution
  2. The next solution to overcome baby dumping, we need to educate men and women as education about sex and pregnancies in the correct ways . It will reduce cases of baby dumping when they have knowledge and are aware about  sex. And  will results in unplanned and unexpected pregnancies.
  3. Who do baby dumping will be considered as murderers, which will be punished to death penalty. So that , people can think wisely when they want to do baby dumping.


  1. can sex education help to reduce this problem from getting more serious?

  2. there is a quote stated that " prevention is better than cure" which means it is hard for the government and the authorities to reduce this problem since this social problem occurs day after day. Everyone wants to help reduce the number of baby dumping but the roles should implement thoroughly and continuously.

  3. I want to know something about baby dumping.
    How the baby hatch can help to reduce the baby dumping?

  4. As every time we receive a baby, we believe that we have reduced the number of baby dumping in this country. Even though it is impossible to do that but the main thing is we want to provide shelter and care for babies. By providing those needs we can ensure that the baby will not suffer or die outside the harsh world.

  5. I think the solution that government do which open the school for pregnant student is not enough and effective to overcome the issue of baby dumping. The girl will feel safe and comfortable when they have unplanned pregnancy, they have a place to live with their status because they think many people will take care of them especially the government. So, i think the best solution to overcome this issue is education. Education from family, teachers and public
