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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


First, to be said as causes is the easiness, widespread access pornography in Malaysia. Teenagers are among the groups that have exceptional knowledge to access pornography on internet and also through mobile phones They can even watch on other technological gadgets like mobile phones without their parents knowing.

        On August 13, 2010, The Star quoted Women, Family and Community Development minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abd Jalil, reported that the cabinet had decided to classify baby dumping that led the death of babies as a crime that warranted the death sentence. The factors causing baby dumping are when the families do not support women teenagers when they are pregnant. Families kick out these women and leave them to live alone. As parents they should defend their daughter and forgive them although there are disappointed but this is not the end of the world. Parents should comfort their daughter in times like these, do not reject them.

Baby dumping happens because of the perception of society. The society is not yet ready to be open-minded, they tend to have a very bad thought and perception towards the pregnant woman, makes them feel low, lose confidence to face the world, and in order to have it back, they decide to act repugnant, dumping the baby.


  1. What are the main reasons of baby dumping highly occurred during these days?

  2. The sad thing is when nowdays the moral value have decreasea among the youngsters. Some of the reasons are family problems especially when the parents have divorced thus their children tend to find a space for people’s attention from the outsiders. Normally, when their parents divorced it is hard to strengthen and create good relationships
